LA woman on a quest to eat her way through Los Angeles

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Top Chef: Zoo People

Yes, I realize that there was actually a new episode on last night. However, I fell asleep while attempting to watch it. Not once, but twice. I was exhausted. Anyway, here are my thoughts about the Zoo People episode.

1) Spike and the fedoras. Um, what's that all about? Dude, as soon as you wake up you reach for your fedora? So strange. Cute, but strange.

2) Val reminds me of Rachel Dratch. The Debbie Downer version at times. I realized this last week. I thought it was a revelation until I read the TWOP recap and noticed that the recapper thought the same thing. I swear!

3) Reminded of how much I love Farmer's Markets. LOVE THEM! Spike had the right idea. You just can't rush an afternoon at the Farmer's Market. Dale made a very astute point about the quality of meat at a Farmer's Market. Honestly, I never buy meat at Farmer's Markets. All this talk of markets, I might go this weekend.

4) Wylie Dufresne-wow! Molecular Gastronomy is not really something I'm all that interested in. I mean, I admire what they do, I just don't really want to eat it.

5) Braised chicken wings. I HATE braised/barbecue/baked whole chicken wings. It's just so messy.

6) I hate that Andrew didn't follow directions. His dish looked yummy.

7) Zoo challenge was kinda wack. Yes, I said wack. No other word to describe it.

8) Erik the Soul Chef? puke

9) I'm tired of the 'hands in the air' thing after the challenges. I will NEVER forgive the Season Twosies for that.

10) Challenge food...I wanted to try the ceviche, lamb meatballs, stuffed anchovy, and the banana cake. Mmmm

11) Ahem...Top Chef contestants. For the love of all that is good and holy, stop making freaking mushroom caps. What are you TGIFs? I mean seriously. I actually like mushroom caps, but they are not very attractive. Especially, if they are filled with more brown stuff.

12) I'm glad that people are capable of making desserts this season. I mean, seriously.
13) My boy Andrew won! Coooooooooolness!

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