LA woman on a quest to eat her way through Los Angeles

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How it all began

I never thought it would come to this, but here I am. Let me start by asking for your grace when it comes to my writing. I can express my ideas, but I am horrible with technical matters. Ok, back to the how it all began. One of my sorority sisters asked if I authored a blog about a foodie in training. At the time, I didn't. However, I thought about it and it's a really great idea.

For the past few months, I have been obsessed with experiencing fine dining. Before that, my interest in fine dining was piqued by a little show called Top Chef (which I am obsessed with) and reading Anthony Boudain's Kitchen Confidential. While I am a decent home cook and enjoy the occasional cooking class, I know that I don't have what it takes to be a chef. However, that doesn't mean that I can't benefit from the fruit of someone else's labor. So, I decided to take up a new hobby---eating.

In the past month, I have been to about 5 or 6 fine dining establishments. I gave my opinions to family and on a couple of message boards. However, capturing my thoughts in one place will be awesome!!! So, this blog will mainly be about food. I'm sure there will be a little Top Chef commentary here and there. However, the focus will be the adventures of a wannabe foodie.

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