LA woman on a quest to eat her way through Los Angeles

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm officially returning from my hiatus! Yay! In my last post, I mentioned taking a hiatus due to health reasons. Overall, I'm fine. However, I have to dramatically alter my eating habits. Huge adjustment. Less going out and more cooking at home. Fortunately, I love to cook. This brings me to my main point. The focus of adventuresofawannabefoodie will expand a bit. Prior to the hiatus, I began to expand my focus with the MILK review. Now, I'm just planning to open the doors a little wider. Now, I'll share my healthy recipes and dining experiences, in addition to my fine dining experiences.

Also, let's not forget Top Chef. I literally squealed with excitement when I saw the teasers for Top Chef: New York. I'm looking forward to writing more thorough recaps this year. My schedule was really crazy last year and I didn't have the time to write. This year is different. My schedule is still crazy...just not as crazy as last year.